From the Dayton Daily News: 15 year old Raylin D. Holloway is facing transfer to adult court. Holloway’s aunt, Linda Woodard, supports Holloway staying in the juvenile system, citing mental health issues. The prosecutor in the case has requested that she and her minor co-defendant prosecuted as adults. Read More.
Ohio HB 86: On Wednesday, June 29, 2011, Governor John Kasich (R-OH) signed HB 86 into law. Thie Children's Law Center, Inc. has been working with advocates across the State on this legislation, which garnered broad bipartisan support in the Ohio Legislature and was supported by a wide array of stakeholders including juvenile and adult criminal justice advocates, judges, and corrections experts. HB 86 will go into effect in 90 days from the signing. Read the complete text of HB 86. To learn more about the juvenile justice provisions, read the press release from the R Strategy Group, which played a key role in HB 86's passage. Before the bill goes into effect, the Children's Law Center will be hosting a radio blog show and releasing a fact sheet about HB 86.
From The Commercial Appeal Memphis Tennessee: Prosecutors seeking to try 16 year old as an adult for alleged murder of principal. Read article.
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